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Love Your Bum

Modern Medicine
for Between the Cheeks

We’re on a mission to eradicate the pain and shame of common anorectal conditions like hemorrhoids, anal fissures and itching with efficacious, clean solutions and a taboo-busting conversation.

Clean Medicine


Better for You,
Better for the Planet

Women Owned
and Operated


Women experience anorectal and/or perineal conditions


Women are afraid to go to the bathroom or get intimate due to anorectal health


Women experience depression or anxiety due to anorectal health issues

I Was One of Them.

I suffered from chronic anorectal issues that eventually required surgery. I tried every solution on the market to relieve my pain and discomfort. They were awful: dated, full of dirty chemicals, and marketed to an eighty year old man. I felt embarrassed, frustrated, and confused. Later I learned that the leading brands, both of which I was using, contained a chemical that actually made my condition worse.

That’s why I founded Betty Health - the first, and only, clean anorectal brand on the market. Because I deserved better. We deserve better.

Love (your bum),


Founder & CEO


Well (Informed)