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Dr. Sarah Lunsford

The Doctor is In: Dr. Sarah Lunsford

Meet Betty's Co-Founder and COO as she shares insights into her background in public health and medical anthropology and her dreams for Betty.

Sarah Lunsford, PhD is an accomplished leader with 20 years of experience in healthcare and operations management. With a PhD in medical anthropology and a Masters in Public Health, she has worked in over 40 health systems around the world to improve the quality of care. As Betty Health co-founder, COO, and acting CFO, Sarah integrates her research and analytic skills with her business acumen acquired through an MBA at UCLA Anderson to drive Betty’s operational and financial success. 

Q: When did you know you wanted to get your PhD? 

I got my PhD in medical anthropology after working in global health for about 6 years and realizing that public health as a discipline didn’t answer the questions I had about how people understand their health and wellness. Anthropology allowed me to situate behaviors within the context of personal, cultural, and societal norms. I am super excited to bring that perspective to Betty. Understanding how and why people have certain beliefs about anorectal health will aid us in better serving women everywhere and disrupting the out-of-date conversation about matters of the bum. 

Q: What’s your most useful degree? Least useful? 

At the moment, my most useful is my MBA, though my PhD taught me both how to persevere and critical thinking. My MA in International Relations offered a foundation in global affairs, but no skills that I employ daily. 

Q: What’s the most challenging part of your job? 

Focus – there is so much to do when building a business that I do find myself flitting from one thing to the next. Something I will work on in 2025. 

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your job?  

Getting to dream big and execute on that dream.

Q: When you aren’t at work, where might we find you?  

Home with my kids, partner, and dog. 

Q: Favorite guilty pleasure. 


Q: What is your most marked characteristic? 

Perseverance. I don’t like to quit. Though I am learning that sometimes it is best to put a project down and move on.

Q: What quality do you most value in your friends? 


Q: What’s the most common misperception about anorectal health?

That once your hemorrhoids calm down after having a baby, you are cured. Flare ups happen. Problematic hemorrhoids can come back to bite you in the a**. 

Q: What’s one thing you wish all your patients would do for their health? 

Enjoy it. I can’t say I have been perfect at that over the years, but I am learning to enjoy the big and little things more and I find it has a positive effect on my mental and physical health.

Q: Last song played on your Spotify playlist. 

With my tween daughters in the house, there is a lot of Taylor Swift.

Q: What is your idea of perfect happiness?  

I am not sure that question is answerable. I appreciate the range of emotions I get to experience. It makes the happiness that much sweeter.